티스토리 뷰


21. Dol Theeta - Kortessa Tsifodimou (Greece)


아티스트 - Dol Theeta
국가 - 그리스 (Greece)
장르 - 프로그레시브 메탈 (Progressive Metal), 심포닉 메탈 (Symphonic Metal), 일렉트로닉스(Electronics)



- Dol Theeta Members -


Thanasis Lightbridge - Drums, Keyboards 
Dimitris Makrantonakis - Guitars 
Kortessa Tsifodimou - Vocals



- Dol Theeta Albums -


- The Universe Expands (2008)
- Keep Deep (2013)



Dol Theeta - Keep Deep (2011)

 "Keep Deep"






22. DreamReaver - Eve Kreuzer (Germany)


아티스트 - DreamReaver
국가 - 독일 (Gemany)
장르 - 프로그레시브 메탈 (Progressive Metal), 파워 메탈 (Power Metal)



- DreamReaver Members -


Tim Braun - Bass 
Moritz Sohns - Guitars 
Michael Smorra - Guitars 
Eve Kreuzer - Vocals   
Till Felden - Drums
 Robert Wixler - Keyboards




- DreamReaver Albums -


- The Chameleon Defect (2011)








23. Elegy of Madness - Anja Irullo (Italy)


아티스트 - Elegy of Madness
국가 - 이태리 (Italy)
장르 - 프로그레시브 메탈 (Progressive Metal), 고딕 메탈 (Gothic Metal)



- Elegy of Madness Members -


Larry Ozen - Bass 
Luca Basile - Keyboards, Cello 
Anja Irullo - Vocals 
Tony Tomasicchio - Guitars
Francesco Caputo - Drums


- Elegy of Madness Abums -


- The Bridge of Sighs (2009)
- Brave Dreams (2013)
- New Era (2017)



Elegy of Madness - New Era (2017)






24. Faethom - Mariela Muerte (United States)


아티스트 - Faethom
국가 - 미국 (United States)
장르 - 프로그레시브 메탈 (Progressive Metal), 멜로딕 데스 메탈 (Melodic Death Metal)



- Faethom Members -


David Diacrono  Guitars
Mariela Muerte  Vocals, Keyboards
Hermes Reyes  Drums  
Marcel Salas  Bass

- Faethom Albums -


- Lullaby for Heathen Spawn (2009)
- In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Unholy (2011)
- Mark of the Devil (2013)
- Fury of the Scorned Witch (2016)



Faethom - In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Unholy (2011)

"Thou Shall Follow" 





25. Heonia - Marieke (France)


아티스트 - Heonia
국가 - 프랑스 (France)
장르 - 프로그레시브 메탈 (Progressive Metal), 심포닉 메탈 (Symphonic Metal)



- Heonia Members -


JB - Bass 
Thomas - Guitars
Cédric - Guitars
Damien - Keyboards 
Marieke - Vocals   
Dereck Roy - Drums



- Heonia Albums -


- Simulacra (2005)
- Winsome Scar (2010)
- Portraits (2015)




Heonia -Portraits (2015)

"The Die Is Cast"




